Windows7 Error

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 14 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #1376


    I am attempting to run Inventory advisor on my machine which is a Windows 7 64-bit machine, I can get about 18% through my network scan, then I get the pop-up that Network inventory advisor has stopped responding, any hints on how to fix this?




    We are ready to help you. Please, specify whether the problem occurs when you press “Scan Network” or “Update report now” on the toolbar.

    Please, do the following:

    * go to Settings -> “General” tab -> set “Maximum simultaneous scanning threads” -> 1;
    * remove all data categories in the Settings -> “Windows Reports” tab;
    * disable “Scanning via SSH (for Macs)” and “Scanning via SNMP” options.

    Then try to reproduce the issue. Let us know the test results.



    It was happening with Scan Network, moving the threads down to one seems to have solved the problem, its slow, but working



    It was happening with Scan Network, moving the threads down to one seems to have solved the problem, its slow, but working



    Please, let us know what minimum value of “Maximum simultaneous scanning threads” setting causes problem.

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