username not visible in all installed software list

Main Page Forums username not visible in all installed software list

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 12 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #1488


    When i export software installed sheet, there all the softwares name but without user name who have these softwares installed. Please let me know how i add users name in sheet according to installed softwares.

    Please send me steps how to do it.

    Sunil Soni



    Which report exactly are you exporting and what is the export format?



    I think he means the all software tab of the network summary. I would also like this feature, or at least the ability to add the computer names to it without having to do it manually.



    So, Network Summary -> All Software, it’s OK. And lets say there’s Microsoft Office 2010 installed on 1500 computers, how exactly would you like the list of users be presented there?

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