Problem with software status definition

Main Page Forums Problem with software status definition

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  admin 13 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #1457


    Hello ClearApps Team!
    I found a problem concerning the status definition. We have the same software installed on two workstations in two different nodes. The description of this software differs because the publisher is defined once with upper and once with lower characters.

    GAT Manager 4 Gantner Electronic GmbH
    GAT Manager 4 GANTNER Electronic GmbH

    If I classify this software as “must-have” only one item shows the right status – the other one remains “unclassified”. If I try to set the status of the unclassified item again, the status switches back to unclassified when I refresh the software list.

    In the summary both items are display as “GAT Manager 4 Gantner Electronic GmbH” and the status is correct “must-have”.

    Can you please have a look on it.

    Best regards



    Hi Klaus, we are already checking this now. Can you confirm that you are using the latest Network Inventory Advisor 3.9.1544?



    Can you export both these nodes into external format, so we can import them for local tests? Email their exported files to us, please:



    Hi Jeff, yes I can confirm that we use the latest version:
    Version: 3.9.1554
    Released on: 22nd Dec, 2010
    I will send you the requested information by email.
    regards, Klaus



    Thanks to your info we were able to reproduce the issue and are fixing it now.



    Dear Klaus,

    I’m glad to inform you that this issue has been resolved. I’ve just sent you the new build of Network Inventory Advisor via email.

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