problem scanning one system, all other work fine

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 14 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #1427


    Dear guys,

    I have a problem with scanning one system in Network Inventory Advisor.

    This system can be pinged and the scan goes until the message “Fetch infos for computer system” ( I hope this is the correct translation of “Sammle Info zum Computersystem”). But at this point it does not do anything. I waited for over one hour but nothing happens.

    All other systems work fine. Sometimes it needs some seconds at the message mentioned above. But after it the scan goes forward.

    I do not have any idea anymore. Unfortunatelly I cannot scan the whole network because it does not finish this system. The scan of the whole network scans all system but stops also at the message above.

    Please help me with this problem.

    Best regards



    Hi there,

    While I’m waiting for more details from our test lab, can you let me know if the same happens if you try to scan this node using a different method (agentless or agent-based)? Can you try to run a local scan of this troublesome node (by either using a standalone agent utility or by installing Network Inventory Advisor on this system and running a localhost scan)?



    Also: which OS does this node run?



    Dear Jeff,

    thanks for your answer. The node a Windows XP system.

    What do you mean with scan agentless or agent-based? Nothing is installed on the node.
    At the moment this is not possible.



    Which Settings are configured for scanning in Network Inventory Advisor -> Settings -> Connection -> Scan using…


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