Port reassignment

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  admin 13 years, 5 months ago.

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    Can the following ports, required to be open to incoming traffic on each scanned client, be reassigned if needed? What ports are needed on the machine running NIA? Same as shown here? Can they be reassigned if conflicts arise?

    If I use agent-based scanning I assume these ports are not used. Is that correct?

    tcp 22 in
    udp 137 in
    tcp 139 in
    udp 138 in
    tcp 135 in
    tcp 1051 in



    Good question! Unfortunately, there’s no way to reassign ports, these are not the ports we chose ourselves, they are system ports needed for remote administration. Here’s the correct list:

    for agent-based scanning:
    tcp 22 in
    udp 137 in,
    tcp 139 in

    for scanning via WMI:
    udp 137 in
    tcp 22 in,
    tcp 139 in,
    udp 138 in,
    tcp 135 in,
    tcp 1051 in

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