Modify Tree List Icons

Main Page Forums Requests and feedback Modify Tree List Icons

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    I am a new user to this program. I have added new “device” names to the drop down list for my assets, but cannot find where I can associate an icon to the device name. I ran a search on this knowledgebase but wasn’t able to find anything on this. Am I the only one that would like to have the picture next to the item be an icon of the item?





    Hi, let me know which devices you added to the list, and we’ll gladly implement updated icons for them. Unfortunately there’s no way to add them manually by the user.



    Thanks Jeff for the reply. I would like to see the following icons/devices in the list;
    *Wireless Router
    *SAN / NAS
    *Tape Drive

    The ability to add icons to the devices would actually be pretty cool. Thanks again.




    Bill, what if you use “Mobile PC” icon for Android, and “Hotspot” for Wireless Router, temporarily… until we release the update with more device types?



    I am doing that already. With my sick sense of detail though, I know it’s not right… so I am eagerly awaiting the update. (I know, I know… but it’s just the way it is.)

    Thanks for the suggestions.

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