[Information] folder as a shared resource

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This topic contains 12 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  admin 11 years, 5 months ago.

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    Is it possible to tune [Information] folder as a shared resource? I’d like several client applications of Network Inventory Advisor use one shared [Information] folder.
    Of course, it’s not the aim to work in parallel mode, the work is planned only in exclusive mode.
    Could you advice me?




    We recommend you to enable Central Repository data collection in Settings. This will work like the following: the actual inventory data will be collected to Central Repository, and all your admins will fetch that data into their copies of Network Inventory Advisor installed locally by enabling this feature.

    Please refer to the User Guide for Network Inventory Advisor -> “Settings” -> “Central Repository” section.

    Alternatively you could try to share the whole Program folder and launch [C:Program FilesClearAppsNetwork Inventory Advisoriadvisor.exe] file from remote PCs. Note that we cannot guarantee that NIA will function correctly in this usage scenario.



    Thank you, Kim.
    The first way is rather interesting.

    1) Is this way possible only when scanning network assets with the agent utility? Otherwise I don’t understand how the inventory data file will appear in Central Repository.

    2) The User Guide says: “The inventory data file stored in Central Repository is automatically deleted once imported”.
    Does it mean that when the first admin will run the NIA Central Repository would be cleared? In this case the second admin will not get any data!




    Please find below the answers:

    1) Yes, it is necessary to enable an agent utility in your Logon Script. It will export data into Central Repository, where each copy of NIA will get the data from.

    2) Please disable the following checkbox: Settings -> General -> Delete file with data after importing.



    What do we do if we have existing network info already gathered and want to start the Central Repository option?



    The best hint would be manually sharing the folder with network information before switching to Central Repository, so every admin of yours has the starting amount of data.



    I copied the Information file from one Pc to the other. Seems to be fine except for I created an awful lot of locations to add to the location field and none of them made it to the 2nd install.



    Is there another way to point a 2nd install to the Information folder rather than just copying it in the new install? And then will the Central Repository option work from that point forward?



    Alternatively you can just use Network Inventory Advisor from a virtual or remote machine. But that’s not the best way. Why exactly can’t you copy and import the network in question? I will follow-up with the instruction on moving all your settings over as well.



    Jeff, you said “The best hint would be manually sharing the folder with network information” I took this to mean manually copy the Information folder to another PC with NIA installed. I did that and all looked good, except for the contents of one custom field. The location field has nothing in it, even though I had created a lot of values. Other custom fields I created kept their values. This is very frustrating. I am also having to move to a Win 7 machine and I am losing faith that I can transition this app properly.



    So you decided to transfer your Network Inventory Advisor installation completely, not just share the data to others? In fact, moving the whole [information] folder should move everything including custom fields and settings. So, can you just retry the process? Remove the copy completely, and copy the folder and the app once again. Let me know if it helps.



    I have given up on trying to share the information. I have too much information in my inventory to risk using Central Repository. The instructions are unclear and the whole experience is extremely frustrating.

    What I would settle for now, is just the ability to move my Information folder to a Win 7 machine and have it work correctly. I tried it again and the Locations I have created are not showing up. It only has the default My Network location. Is there a specific file that houses any created Locations that can be viewed like the contents of the other custom fields? They are all there.



    We are checking this out now.

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