Firewall Ports

Main Page Forums Deployment Firewall Ports

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jeff 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #4146


    Which ports should I open on a windows XP firewall so that the program can scan it? I opened the TCP 22, TCP 135, TCP 139, TCP 1051, UDP 137, and UDP 138 ports but actually only worked when I opened the TCP 135 and TCP 1035 ports, and in another case worked with TCP 135 and TCP 1141 ports. After all, what ports should I open?



    If you have all these ports open, it should be enough for Network Inventory Advisor to work. But it’s not only the matter of firewall configuration, in fact. These ports are required to be open in addition to all other network settings for remote inventory: /help/faq6/ and /help/faq1/

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