Create asset manully

Main Page Forums Features and support Create asset manully


This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  beano437 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #1542


    i have some assets in my network which have an ip adresse but cannot be scanned, like a Smart-UPS. So I create the asset manually. My problem is that I only can insert “custom data” (my own custom fields) but I want to insert the same data which scanned assets have. I want to insert the same “header” that scanned assets have, like IP,MAC-adress, domain… I don’t want to use custom fields for this data because, when I create a report for used ip addresses, the manually created asset won´t be in the same column like the scanned assets. Why it´s not possible to insert this data. Or how can I do this.
    I hope I have described my problem in comprehensible English.



    Hi there, please, see our reply via email.



    What is the answer to this question, I too would like to be able to add data to manual assetts without having to use custom data.

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