Asset Tree “Legend”

Main Page Forums Features and support Asset Tree “Legend”

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  jeff 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    I have been using NIA for a year or so now and there is one nagging question that lingers. The asset tree shows different icons on for workstations. Some are transparent, some are more solid color, some have yellow astericks on them. I have searched for “legend”, “icons”, looked through the help files, etc. This should be “findable” and should be one of the first things you come across yet I have missed it. Where do I find the “legend” as to what the different icons represent? BTW thanks for disabling NIA with the 4.X download today. You might want to put up a splash screen telling people not to download/run the upgrade because it will ciplle their current license and BTW BTW thanks for being responsive to upgrade requests. I have sent three request, here it is 12 hours later and I have yet to hear from anyone…..



    Hi Jim, according to the list of clients who already received their free upgrades, you were among the first ones. Please excuse us for a delay in several hours after the major release. I’ll let you know when the legend is available in our new knowledgebase.



    Hi Jeff. This question is well over a year old and I never did get an answer:

    The asset tree shows different icons on for workstations. Some are transparent, some are more solid color, some have yellow astericks on them. I have searched for “legend”, “icons”, looked through the help files, etc. This should be “findable” and should be one of the first things you come across yet I have missed it. Where do I find the “legend” as to what the different icons represent?



    I’ll make sure we have this updated on the knowledgebase asap. My apologies for not having proper priorities to this task. I’ll update you on this soon.



    This article was finally added to our knowledgebase: /help/what-do-the-network-tree-icons-represent/

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