About Tabular Report Display

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This topic contains 15 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  admin 14 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #1401


    Hello Jeff,

    When I run the tabular report, I can see the user ( under Logged on user) name & other information. But I can’t seem to find what are the softwares each user is using. In the Rebular report field, all I can see ‘Microsoft Office product key, serial number & version’ selections are listed only.

    Q-1: Can we add ‘all software’ lists in the field to see it on the tabular report?

    Q-2: If Not then how can I see the number of all installed softwares & who are the users in the tabular report?

    The example below which I would like to see it on the report:
    Logged on user: / IP address: / Name of Software / Number of Installed Software
    1234-Katty / / AutoCAD 2010/2009 / 2
    1234-Hellen / / Adobe PhotoShop X / 1

    Any help would be very much appreciated.





    To make sure we provide you with the best answer, let’s clarify your request.

    1. Do you want to have real-time stats who is using which software and where?
    2. If not real-time, then how exactly are you going to define that a certain software title should be assigned to a certain user in the report?
    3. Doesn’t employee monitoring violate your corporate rules?
    4. Or are you trying just to find out which software is used where based on software usage stats?

    Currently Network Inventory Advisor doesn’t collect software usage info, and the data provided by Windows itself is not accurate enough actually. The alternative approach would be to install the agent utility which will collect software usage statistics and report it to the central repository. However, some of our clients confirmed that they won’t be able to use this feature due to privacy policies in their organizations, which is understandable.

    So, to sum it up, I would say that you might either be interested in the upcoming 3 types of reports which we are going to add in version 3.9 (email me for details, can’t post them publicly before the release), or you might be OK with the report that you can get by going to “Network Summary” -> “All software” -> select software titles -> right-click and select “Show nodes where this software is installed”.

    What do you think?



    Hello Jeff,

    “”Network Summary” -> “All software” -> select software titles -> right-click and select “Show nodes where this software is installed”.”

    – The above is the piece of information I was looking for. I didn’t know I could ‘right click’ on software titles and get info about software installed nodes.

    2. If not real-time, then how exactly are you going to define that a certain software title should be assigned to a certain user in the report?

    – The layout format of tabubar report is very nice & organized in N|A. In the tabular report I can see information about,
    1) Name of the particular computer/user,
    2) Ip address of particular computer,
    3) Name of Microsoft Software information (Microsoft Office Full Name)

    Now, If I have a computer where AutoCAD 2010 / AutoCAD 2011 are installed then how can I see AutoCAD 2010 & AutoCAD 2009 on tabular report just like I can see ‘Microsoft Office 2003’ which is listed in the ‘tabular field’ column?

    P.S.: please see screen shots to understand what i am trying to say ๐Ÿ™‚

    1) http://i27.tinypic.com/o91nj7.gif

    2) http://i26.tinypic.com/311q1w2.gif

    I appreciate your help





    shaq said: how can I see AutoCAD 2010 & AutoCAD 2009 on tabular report just like I can see ‘Microsoft Office 2003’ which is listed in the ‘tabular field’ column?

    You are right, this option is not available for other software titles yet. Let’s wait till version 3.9 where you will find a new report on software versions. Seems like it will be the one that you need. I’ll make sure you get access to beta version within 5-7 days.

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by  admin.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by  Alex.


    Hello Jeff,

    Thanks for the Great news. You can send me the link to v3.9 beta version.
    Any idea when will final v3.9 be released? Because once 3.9 realeased, I will go ahead purchase the lincense.

    Thanks for all the help you have done.

    I appreciate it very much.





    I’ll looking for exactly this type of report as well – please add me to the beta list if possible.




    Hi everyone, links to beta version were just emailed to shaq and c0sm0. We are waiting for your comments on the new features.



    Hello Jeff,

    Thank you for the beta version. I am having few issues with the new beta 3.9 version:

    1) Under Report>>Software (customizable report), there are 4 selections are given:

    a) By Change
    b) By Nodes
    c) By Software
    d) By Version

    Selecting ‘by change & by nodes’, report works fine.
    But when I select ‘ by software’ OR ‘by version’, N|A crashes.

    I am not sure if c0sm0 is having the same issue or not.

    2) When I ran report using ‘by nodes’, I can see all software reports of each node per page.

    Question: if I have 400 users, that means, to find out who is using lets say ‘photoshop’ then I am going to have to scroll down each page to find the users who are using ‘photoshop’ which is not convenient for me at all.

    Is there anyway we can see how many users/nodes are using the exact software on the custom reports?

    My suggestion: Tabular reports where you can select ‘MS Office Full Name’ from the field name would be a great place to implement the feature that I am asking here.
    Because in tabular report,
    1) we can see node names,
    2) we can see user names,
    3) we can see ONLY microsoft office product name, version & serial number
    If we can add more product lists in this section and can see it on tabular reports,
    that will be great & everybody will love it.

    see screen shot:
    Q: why can’t we have options of adding more softwares just like msoffice?

    I have emailed you the screen shots of the NA issues.

    Any suggestion would be helpful.





    I generated two reports so far, one for “grouped by title” and one for “grouped by nodes”. Both worked fine but I was only generating them for 31 nodes.



    Guys, thanks for reporting the crashes, we reproduced them ourselves as well and are now fixing them.

    shaq said: Is there anyway we can see how many users/nodes are using the exact software on the custom reports?

    You need “By software” report, which will be fixed and available for test run shortly.

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by  admin.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by  Alex.



    ‘group by title’ ? – i am kinda confused. Where did you find ‘group by title’ under
    Report>>Software ??

    Please see the screen shot
    and verify if you see the same 4 options as I do. You can also post screen shot as well.





    I suppose c0sm0 meant “Grouped by software (title)” report. When generated it’s called: Software grouped by title



    Thanks for clearing up the confusion. ๐Ÿ™‚



    The beta version was updated.



    Hello Jeff,

    The updated version works great & software report shows really nice format.

    Thanks for all the help.

    Good Job



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